
Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Tie One On

I have a little bit of an apron obsession lately, and fortunately, apparently many others do as well. And I would like to start sewing more. I need some more instant gratification than I get with knitting, something that I can do interspersed with knitting the most boring sweater and the most complicated socks ever. (That was poor planning.) I can sew something and be done with it the same day and not have to completely neglect my daughter. So, when I saw the theme for July's Tie One On, I thought and thought about whether I should make something for it and then I found the most perfect fabric and one of my local fabric stores and now I'm making an apron. (Well, not right now. Right now I should be finishing up my research paper that's due this morning, but I will be making an apron.) However, the apron pattern that I have in my head involves grommets, which makes me nervous. I've never used them before. What if I get the apron done and put the grommets in all wonky and ruin it? So today I will be doing some grommet research, and later maybe I'll have an apron. All in the same day, comparatively instant gratification.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like the Tie One On aprons! I think apron obsession is a good thing. I have a wrap-around pinny that's my favorite at the moment.

Sunday, July 24, 2005 12:35:00 AM  

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