
Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Not So Instant After All, Or Gratifying

Yesterday I decided that before I made an apron, I would make a circular needle holder. I wanted something big enough to hold all of my circulars. So I'm sewing and things are going well and then suddenly things go very badly and that's the end of my needle holder. I wanted to make one to match the one I made a while ago for my DPNs:

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Which was inspired by those made by Megan of the Organizer Knitter. Here's part of the inside:

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That one looks okay, but the one I tried to make yesterday got all puckered and crooked and weird. Probably because I thought I would use frosted vinyl for the pockets and this tuxedo fabric I have for the lining and it was all slippery. I was thinking about posting pictures, but it's just too terrible to look at. So maybe I will just buy a Stick Sack.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Sunday, July 10, 2005 5:57:00 AM  

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